The cover 19 pandemic and enforced lockdowns were a reality that humanity never anticipated, social distancing and the traditional way of communication needed to be adjusted. As such, We all had to adapt to the new change that involved sacrificing face to face interactions to virtual meetings. In the mist of lockdowns and social distancing, Mental health disorders arised and we were now faced with a new battle.
It is no secret that Mental health discussions in the black community have for the longest been stigmatized because of various reasons. Today, a growing number of people affected by all sorts of mental health challenges has increased and it requires a a shift of attitude, behaviour and character.
October is Mental health awareness month and so, here at Jabari international we will be providing you our dearest followers with mental health tips, techniques and guides to help you start improving your mental health.
Choosing to take the first healing step is the right thing to do for your cognitive development.
Let's learn together..